Eating Disorder Treatment | Jacksonville, FL

Takeaway: Life with an eating disorder can be difficult and overwhelming, especially with all the pressures that come from our society. Despite these many challenges, it is possible to thrive. Our therapists and dieticians provide expert eating disorder treatment in Jacksonville, FL that can help you break free from diet culture’s harmful messages and reconnect with your own inner purpose. Start the process today.

Does this sound like you?

You struggle with the pressure to be perfect: at school or in your job, in your appearance, in your relationships, and more. If you could just do better—be better—maybe you could finally feel better about yourself. You can't shake the lingering feeling that you're just not enough, no matter how hard you try.

All of this comes out in your relationship with food. You feel anxious around food, and you obsess over everything you put into your body. You wish it didn't take up so much brain space, but it does, and you're not sure how to change that. You want to take care of yourself, but having peace around food feels so far out of reach.

If this resonates with you, know that you're not alone—and that it's not your fault. Diet culture puts a ton of pressure on us, and we often react in the only way we know how: by trying to make ourselves fit into its mold. However, there is a different way.

That's where we come in.

Eating disorder treatment in Jacksonville, FL can help.

Ready to break free from the cycle that keeps you striving toward perfection and feeling totally ashamed when you can't measure up? We're here for you. Living this way can leave you totally burnt out and depleted. While recovery might feel out of reach right now, we know that the right support can help you discover a new way of living.

At Restored Purpose Counseling, we offer comprehensive treatment for eating disorders of all kinds. Our services are meant to enhance both your mental health and your physical health, and our therapists and dieticians provide individualized support tailored to your unique needs and goals.

We value building authentic, connected relationships with each of our clients. We want to truly understand you: who you are, what you want, and what your purpose is. We know that you're so much more than what diet culture leads you to believe, and we want to help you discover that.

Our work also centers around helping you build a strong relationship with yourself. You'll learn how to embrace yourself—including your body—and feel deeply in tune with your own needs, desires, and values. By owning who you are and what you want, you'll be able to lead a happier, more fulfilled life.

Eating disorders we treat

No matter what kind of eating disorder you're struggling with, we're here to help. Our clinicians have extensive training in treating any and all eating disorders. Here are a few examples of the kinds of struggles we help people with.


People with anorexia often have an intense fear of gaining weight. As a result, they alter their eating patterns to restrict food intake. While people with anorexia are often significantly underweight, people with a higher body weight can still suffer from the effects of restrictive eating behaviors.


With bulimia, people struggle with episodes of binge eating and other behaviors, such as purging or excessive exercise, to "offset" binges. As with anorexia or other eating disorders, people with bulimia also struggle with body image and may experience physical symptoms.

Binge eating disorder

Many people with binge eating disorder feel out of control around food. This can lead to episodes of binge eating, then feelings of shame and physical discomfort following the binge. However, unlike bulimia, people with binge eating disorder don't engage in other behaviors to "offset" their binges.


Like anorexia, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) involves restrictive behaviors around food. However, people with ARFID don't have fears around gaining weight. People with ARFID might avoid eating due to food textures, fear of choking, or for other reasons.


People with orthorexia are preoccupied with healthy eating to the extent that it interferes with their mental health. They might spend a lot of time checking nutrition labels and researching what to eat, then feel highly distressed when they have access to these foods.

Disordered eating

The term "disordered eating" is used to describe food behaviors that don't fit into a certain category or diagnosis. Even if you do have a diagnosable eating disorder, your experience is unique. If you struggle with your relationship with food and/or with your body, you deserve support.

Services we offer

At our eating disorder treatment center, we provide a range of services tailored to your specific requirements. Although our program isn't a formal intensive outpatient setting, our comprehensive services offer a significant level of support to people in recovery. Not sure if we're right for you? Get in touch to find out.

Individual therapy sessions

One-on-one therapy is often a crucial part of eating disorder recovery. Working with a therapist can help you unpack how your eating disorder shows up, teach you new ways to cope, and help you reconnect with your purpose. Plus, eating disorders often occur alongside other mental health conditions, so it's important to get the support you need.

Nutritional counseling

Serious medical conditions can be a harmful side effect of many eating disorders. Getting individualized support from a dietician is another key piece for your long-term recovery. You'll learn how to nourish your body in a gentle, sustainable way.

Group therapy

While getting one-on-one support is helpful, it can also be incredibly validating to hear from others who share similar struggles. Group therapy gives you the chance to navigate your recovery alongside others with lived experience and build a supportive community.

Meal support

Meal times are often a huge source of stress for people living with eating disorders. With our meal support service, you can get the crucial support you need to shift your relationship with food in real-time.

FAQs about eating disorder treatment in Jacksonville, FL

Whether it's your first time in treatment or you're looking to re-engage with your recovery, questions are totally normal. Here are some common questions we receive about treatment for eating disorders. Still unsure? Reach out to us directly to talk more.

What can people do to cope with anorexia?

Recovery looks different from person to person. What's helpful for some people might not feel as supportive to others. There are many effective treatments for eating disorders, including anorexia, so it's important to find what works for you and your recovery.

Even if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for, it's important to reach out for help. Your team of professionals can help you navigate the different resources available and find services that are tailored to your needs. Taking the first step is often the hardest part, so the fact that you're considering treatment at all is huge.

How long does it take to recover from bulimia?

Again, each person has a different experience with recovery. It's often not linear, especially in the early stages. For many people, eating disorders are deeply rooted behaviors that can stem from difficult life experiences, personal mental health challenges, and social pressures. Healing from these challenges takes time.

While there's no way to guarantee certain outcomes within a certain timeframe, consistency can help you get the most out of your treatment. Following the treatment plan you create with your team (typically a weekly schedule) can help you stay committed to your recovery.

How do I know which level of care I need?

The level of care you need depends on the severity of your symptoms. For example, if your physical health is stable but you're struggling to function in your day-to-day life, you might need a partial hospitalization program. Check out the National Eating Disorder Association's levels of care guidelines for more information.

Please note that our treatment center provides robust outpatient care. If you're not sure if this level of care is right for you, we encourage you to reach out for a consultation.

Get the support you need to thrive

Ready to reclaim your purpose and finally live the life you want? We specialize in helping female adolescents and young adults break free from their eating disorders and find peace with themselves. Reach out today to get started!


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